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Learn 80 languages in any of 50 languages, for a total of 4,000 available course combinations. Plus, ESL for 50 non-English languages.

Includes full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue of the Long Island newspaper of record. 

Coverage: 1940-1994

ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times is the definitive newspaper digital archive offering full-text and full-image articles dating back to the nineteenth century. Includes the complete paper, cover-to-cover, with full-page and article images in easily downloadable PDF format.

Coverage: 1851-2019

Cover-to-cover access to full-page images of the New York Times. Coverage includes 2008 onward with a 3-month embargo on the most recent editions.

U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. For academic and public libraries, U.S. Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and co-exclusive access (with Factiva) to The Wall Street Journal. U.S. Newsstream also offers one of the largest collections of local and regional newspapers, and is cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform.

Coverage: 1980 - current

Includes Newsday from 1985 to the present.

Provides reliable content on almost every core-curricula subject through nonfiction texts, world newspapers, photographs, interactive maps (topographical, historical, and current), and videos. Also included are lesson plans and educator resources.

Searchable full-text articles from the Wall Street Journal.

Coverage: 1984-Present

TumbleBook Library

TumbleBookLibrary Premium is an online collection of animated, talking picture books which teach young children the joys of reading in a format they'll love.

Live one-on-one help for elementary school, middle school, high school, and beginner college students as well as adult education students and those looking for career assistance (i.e. writing resumes and preparing for interviews)–available everyday from 2pm to 10pm. Skill Center available 24/7. Paid in part by the Co-Central Libraries.

Where to find Newspaper Articles

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Where To Find Newspaper Articles…


*All relevant links and descriptions are to be found under the ‘ONLINE RESOURCES’ tab on our website under the category ‘NEWSPAPERS’. Direct link - *


HISTORICAL - These tend to be full-page scanned images of the actual newspapers with text search capabilities.


Local Hicksville Newspapers - Full image scans from the Mid-Island Herald, Hicksville Illustrated, Mid-Island Times, and more are available on the Hicksville Archives website under the ‘Historical Newspapers’ tab -

NYS Historic Newspapers - For historical local newspapers statewide, broken down by county. We have been submitting the Hicksville papers here as well -

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 1841-1963 -

Newsday 1940-1994 - Full image scans and text from the inception of Newsday on from ProQuest. Using this database remotely requires a valid Hicksville library card.

The New York Times 1851-2019 - Full image scans and text from the nineteenth century up through the recent past available through ProQuest. Using this database remotely requires a valid Hicksville Library card.

CONTEMPORARY - These tend to be full-text transcriptions of individual newspaper articles rather than full page scans. Images, advertisements, etc. from the actual newspaper are usually not included. In most cases articles are available up to the current day.


Gale OneFile News - Full text access to over 2,000 regional, national, and major international newspapers as well as transcripts of radio and television broadcasts. Provided through NovelNY. A valid Hicksville card is required.

ProQuest U.S. Newsstream - Local, regional, and national U.S. publications with full text access as well as archives going back to 1980 of many major publications. Includes the L.A. Times, New York Times, Newsday (1985 - Present), and The Wall Street Journal. Cross-searchable with other ProQuest databases (such as the historical newspapers). *This is where you want to go for CURRENT NEWSDAY articles* Remote access requires a Hicksville library card.

Note - there is some crossover between Gale OneFile News and ProQuest U.S. Newsstream. Patrons or librarians may need to try both databases if looking for something a bit more obscure. In general, ProQuest has more local and regional domestic newspapers including Newsday and has exclusive access to The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, and L.A. Times.

Access Restrictions - ProQuest databases have links for in-house library use that have been fixed to stop asking for a library card barcode when used on site. For off-site/remote use, Gale and ProQuest require the patron’s library card barcode. The Hicksville archives page and its contents do not require a library card, nor does the Brooklyn Eagle archive from the Brooklyn Public Library’s website.